Back In The Gym
So finally my sore foot has healed and I have been back in the gym this week. I can really feel the two months I took off as my strength is really flagging. It's frustrating to feel like I have lost a lot of the gains I made but that is just part of the process.Staying fit is a life long battle and it is one in which the gains are much harder to attain than the losses. Take too long of a break and months and months of work can be stripped away.
I'm doing something new now called Functional Mobility Training. It's something that Andrew Heffernam talked about on his blog and it was basically just something he threw together but I think it will benefit me a lot. The idea is that it helps your joints regain and maintain their independence from other parts of your body. Your lower back for instance (an area I routinely have trouble with) can get to a point where it is essentially fused with your hips and those muscles don't work independently anymore. This helps to revers that.
Other than that I'm just hitting the major exercises that everyone should do. Squats, deadlifts, lunges, chin ups, presses, rows, and some chest and ab work as well.
My hope is to take things a little easier load wise in the hopes that I can stay in the gym without any more "time off".
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