Go Bucks!
Can't wait to watch OSU play in the Final Four this weekend!
I would love to see them bring home the title.
Counter Affects
Does it still count as healthy eating if you eat
chocolate dipped strawberries? Personally I prefer them dipped in powdered sugar but the question remains the same.
Fruit is good for you but are you counteracting the benefits by dipping? I don't really think so. The key thing to realize is that you aren't counteracting the calories of the sugar either.
You get both good and bad at the same time. They don't cancel each other out because they don't affect the same things.
Nice try though, rationalization can be a tough thing to get around. :)
My wife really wants me to shop for
anniversary rings. She is half kidding because of the cost but with our 10 year anniversary coming up, I know that she would really love to have a ring to match her wedding band.
I really hope to be able to buy her something like that someday but right now isn't the best time. We still have some stuff to pay off and we want to build a stable foundation financially. Not to mention that we want to finish our basement project before we do anything else financially.
Can't wait to have that done.
Deep Trench
James Cameron recently took a trip to the bottom of the Marianna Trench, over 6 miles below the surface of the ocean. From what I understand he is doing a documentary film about the trip.
I'm pretty interested to see what they saw down there. Frankly, more people have walked on the moon than have visited the trench. It's a pretty brutal environment at over 15,000 psi of water pressure.
I haven't seen the ship he used and don't know if it is
cao cigars shaped but apparently it allowed him to film outside the capsule. That should reveal some pretty interesting things I imagine.
I have been learning a lot about SEO lately. It seems to be a pretty artistic artform for getting your webpage noticed by others.
Depending on the type of site you run you can either hire someone to optimize your page or download some sort of tool or plugin.
I see now that
triangle direct is offering a tool for doing this. I have worked with them a lot over the years so it is interesting to see that they are getting into this market. It will be interesting to see what this tool can do.
I personally think that dieting is all about calorie deficits. Use more than you take in. I'm not big on shortcuts as they typically don't work, or even if they do, they can be harmful to your health.
Therefore I don't spend much time looking into the latest craze. So I'm not the right guy to ask about the
apidextra scam. I have nothing to say about it and know nothing about it.
My advice would be to get a good trainer and read a Micheal Pollan book. If that doesn't get you off on the right track I don't know what will.
The link in the previous post links to a site that is pretty vulgar. I agreed to post it before knowing what it really was. I apologize and will be more careful in the future.
Too Old?
How old is too old to wear
funny t shirts? I love them and think that they can be a lot of fun but at 34 I'm not sure I can pull it off anymore. My good friend who is still in college wears them all the time and I think it works just fine. You aren't expected to do anything different as a college guy.
So where is the cut off? Can I still pull it off in some settings? For instance I think it would be no big deal to wear one as a helper for one of the teen events at church, but are there any other options?
I guess it also depends on the content. I won't wear anything vulgar, and some jokes can be distasteful in some contexts. I guess the fact that I am thinking about this at all tells me that I'm probably too old. :)
As a Browns fan I realize that there is no chance of Peyton coming here, and frankly I think it would be a mistake anyway. We need to get a young guy and develop him into a franchise qb. Peyton won't make the browns a playoff team, we still have too many holes.
My vote would be to go after Matt Flynn. We get a good young qb and keep both first round picks to get him some help. To me, that seems like the best available options.