Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I would really love to have a second laptop. It would make things a lot easier at home to have two different computers upstairs. Dell laptops, gateway laptops, acer laptops, I'm honestly not that particular as long as it is reasonably fast and reliable.

For my part I just want something that can deal with a lot of throughput and not bog down. Cost is also a big factor as we don't have a lot of extra cash for stuff like this. Given that, it may be a while before we get one but it would definitely be nice.

The New Library

It seems that more and more things are going digital with just about everything that used to be on paper, from bills, to statements, to reports.

The upside is that these things stay available indefinitely for people to use. The down side is that they can be just as easily lost in cyber space as in a file cabinet.

Thankfully we have a document management system. Here at work we used to have one that was so unwieldy that we referred to it as the "doc-mangler". The one we have now is a lot better but I still think it could be a lot more intuitive than it is. I'm sure things like this are going to improve a lot over time.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Loving it that the Heat couldn't get it done last night. Feeling even better for Mark Cuban whom I happen to like a lot. Glad to see him get a title. While Lebron is far from needing a disability application, he definitely didn't show up in this series. Frankly I don't really get it but this seems to happen to him in big games.

Not that the Cavs are remotely close, but I would love to see them get back to prominence and compete with Lebron down the road. I don't hate the guy at all, but as a sports figure, it's nice to have someone to root against.

Monday, June 06, 2011


I have to say that so far, the Mavs are doing a much better job of hanging around in the NBA finals than I would have thought. The only thing that is more surprising is that I remotely care. I have never been much of an NBA fan and in the past would have thought myself more likely to be caught wearing Black diamond earrings than watching the NBA finals but I suppose my hope that the Mavs will somehow beat the Heat has sparked my interest. Also, I think Mark Cuban is interesting and would kind of like to see him get a title.