Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I know that I'm getting older because I don't get a lot of the emails I used to that help keep me in the loop. Current jokes, funny videos, and links that "everyone" knows about seem to slip by me these days. I only recently saw the Old Spice commercial with the ex NFL guy talking about loose diamonds and being "on a horse". (not sure how I missed that since I always watch the SuperBowl). More specifically YouTube videos seem to come and go without my notice. You've got to send me these things people!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Gym

I have not been my usual self this summer. I haven't been working out like I normally do. I have been doing group fitness classes once or twice a week but that has been about it. I really need to get motivated again but for some reason it has been hard.

I do miss the old squat rack, dip station and barbells, but for some reason I can't seem to get past the idea that I'm not making much progress. I guess I need to focus more on the hard to see health benefits over time. Or I need to pick a sport and focus on making myself better so I'm not thinking about working out quite so much. Either way I need to get back to work.


Most of us have heard this term before. Probably even know what it stands for, but I doubt that any of you know how much of a threat it truly is to our society and way of life. I'm reading a book right now called "One Second After", which chronicles the survival a small town after a very successful EMP attack on America.

Imagine living without your daily gadgets and luxury items. Pretty bad right? Now imagine not having a car, running water, or refrigeration for food. Not for a few days until they get the power back on but for months if not years.

It's a very real threat, and this book describes in very vivid detail what would happen. I've read enough basic psychology to believe that his assumptions about the dissolution of society are pretty accurate and very scary.

Check it out, and maybe like me you won't take the every day conveniences for granted so much anymore.

Friday, August 13, 2010


I wonder if the internet will eventually render the idea of going away to college a thing of the past? There are so many online schools now that it wouldn't surprise me as technology improves that the need to travel to and live at a school will be unnecessary.

Clearly there is more to it than that. The experience of being away from home and out on your own for the first time is pretty hard to replace. My guess is that because of that, colleges won't be going away any time soon, but you never know.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


We really need a new mattress . My back hurts almost every morning when I get up and I have no doubt that that is the cause. Given that my mattress is probably 12 years old it stands to reason that it has seen better days. The problem is that they are so stinking expensive. $500 is just a lot to pay for something and it isn't something you can just run and pick up. You have to plan for it. So far I'm struggling to see where we can fit that in with the other stuff we need to do financially, so in the mean time I have a sore back almost every morning. Hopefully this will be something I can resolve sooner rather than later.