Friday, April 30, 2010


People are always on the lookout for the best weight loss product. I personally don't spend a lot of time researching that stuff. I know what I need. Keep working to improve my diet and keep trying to exercise regularly.

I'm at more of a maintenance phase at this point in my life. In fact I have actually been trying to eat more to help put on some muscle which has not been quite as successful as I would like, but I do think has helped some.

New Duds

I don't know a lot about fashion. The only thing I know about prada shoes is that the devil wears them. Having said that I still like to try not to look like a homeless former fur merchant when I leave the house either.

Recently I noticed that most of my clothes were antediluvian, and in need of an upgrade. So I bought a few things here and there. It was hit or miss because I don't like to buy new clothes unless they are on sale and I like to troll the goodwill stores for the occasional good find.

So for now I'm doing ok again. Until next decade.


So I think I might get my wife some flowers for mother's day. It isn't quite what you are thinking though. We both really like these trees that we see everywhere that flower in the spring and turn almost completely white. My wife told me that that would make a great Mother's day gift, and as I want one as well it's a no brainer.

I know what you're thinking and don't worry she doesn't read this. I love it when I don't have to over think mothers/birth/anniversary days. Hopefully my plan will work out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Portrait Mode

I recently requested a new second monitor at work and it has a cool feature. I can flip it into portrait mode (vertical) so that I can view a lot of code at once. It is much wider than it is tall so the added real estate is put to better use this way.

I've also found that it makes web pages more readable since most are designed top down and not left to right. I didn't need a KVM switch or anything like that, I just had to download a control center program for my video card and then I was able to flip the screen.

Definitely cool.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funny Trade Offer

After all of Big Ben's troubles I heard a radio talking head joke that the Raiders were probably already on the phone trying to trade for him. For some reason, they really like the head cases, and troubled types. Turns out he wasn't far off. The Raiders actually DID talk to the Steelers although nothing became of it. One report I heard suggested that the two parties had discussed mutual interest but didn't come to any agreement.

Do the Raiders really need any more players like this? If you covered the team in pronexin there'd be nothing left. It would be pretty tough to route for that team if I lived in the area I think.

Steroid Era

I love sports and there is nothing worse than watching someone do something great and then finding out later that he/she was cheating. I just don't like how some athletes use steroids and hgh supplements illegally in order to cash in and then leave the fans holding the bag.

Sure the money is enticing but whatever happened to standards and honest competition. Big money and science have combined to ruin that by making us question every great athletic feat, as it's happening. Phelps, Bolt, Woods. Are they really super human gifted athletes, or will we find out later that it was all a charade? I plead for the former.

Fish Oil

I haven't been doing a good job with this lately but I am definitely of the opinion that fish oil is the best vitamin for men. It has proven to provide the necessary EFA (essential fatty acids) that we typically lack in the average American diet. It also has beneficial effects on weight loss and heart health. There are a ton of vitamins out there and it's easy to get confused but I think that if you eat a wide variety of different fruits and veggies and take some fish oil, you don't really need other vitamin supplements. Or so I have been led to believe. Now, time to go practice what I preach.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


I'm not really a huge music fan. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of bands and songs that I like, but I don't typically like it enough to spend a lot of my time and money on it. For instance, ipods are owned by nearly everyone it seems including me, but mine is a small, 1gig shuffle that I struggled to even half fill with music. Now the battery is nearly dead on it and I really don't care enough to buy a new one.

It's hard for me to even go to concerts for bands I like. I just don't really get the charge out of music that most other people do.