Pardon Me
For a guy there are several things that are very hard to do. Like buying feminine products at the store when you're wife isn't with you, or discussing things with a doctor. So I'm not exactly sure how companies that make difficult to market stuff like
incontinence products do it. Sure you can take the low brow way out, which works fine, but very few do that. Why? I have no idea, frankly, I would have no where to go once the execs turned down my self deprecating comedic commercial idea. Clearly they exist and make money, so as shocking as it might sound, there must be smarter people out there than me.
Getting Old
I've missed the last two workouts with a sore shoulder. I told myself that I would work out anyway when I had injuries and just do stuff that didn't use the injured area but I just didn't feel like it. So, I'm going to the gym later today and hoping that my shoulder holds up. I probably need to readjust what I'm doing for the next iteration. Clearly I'm hitting the same muscles a little too often.
We have been in the market for
bar stools for a while now. We have a perfect place in our new kitchen for them. It would be great to have the three extra place settings for when we have people over. So far we haven't pulled the trigger on a set but we probably will at some point. With the way the economy is right now, it's hard to justify extra spending right now. I think I would like to have some with backs instead of the traditional stools. I'll put it on the wish list and hopefully it won't burn up on the back burner.