You Know
So I was talking to my good friend
leptovox the other day about the weather and he said that the sun is a pretty cool thing. I tended to agree.
Ok so I have no idea what leptovox really is. It sounds like some sort of painful surgery. Or a drug that you inject in your face that gives you a permanent slap happy smile.
Maybe later I will look it up to see what it really is because now I'm a little curious. It could be the name of some distant planet. Perhaps it's the name of a town in Scotland. You just never know.
For all I know it could be a new type of "green" car. "I drive a leptovox, 450 miles per gallon."
Who knows....
As Seen On TV!!!
Don't you get tired of all the commercials for miracle
exercise equipment? I'm not a personal trainer but I have spent a lot of time reading and studying exercise and fat loss techniques and the commercials make me laugh out loud sometimes at how absurd they are. If you know much at all about exercise you can see at once that most of these things won't work. People keep trying to avoid the good ole fashioned free weights and hard exercises but in the end that is what you have to do if you want real results. There is no substitute, regardless of what they might say on tv.
I've never been a big
coupon codes guy but I do see the merit in them from time to time. I won't even order a pizza anymore without a coupon to at least make me feel like I'm getting a good deal. I sometimes wonder why companies bother doing these things? I guess they draw enough extra business to counteract the loss in revenue. They must or they wouldn't do them. I know people who are so careful to look for coupons that they find amazing deals all the time. I guess I'm just not that patient.
We recently sold our house as you may know and now we are apartment living again for the first time in a long time. Most of our
home furniture is in storage and we will just take our time and look around and find the right house. We will have to spend some time saving up for a good down payment but living with lower bills will certainly help that. It will be nice to be done with all this for good but to be honest. I'm not anxious. The apartment will be fine for as long as we need it. I just want to be sure that we get ourselves into a good situation when all is said and done.
New Faucet
We finally bought a really nice faucet for our kitchen, then we sold our house. I'm not going to complain though because that was the point. I can get some new
plumbing fixtures when we finally find the house that we want and move in. I'm really hoping that we can take our time and find something really great now that we are in a really good situation. The apartment that we are in will do fine for a while. I think we can be pretty comfortable there for a while. We need to save up some money and take our time looking and see what happens.
Not To Be
The house that we are looking at right now (very temporarily, as the sellers have not been very cooperative) has an interesting feature that we weren't sure what to do with. They have a built in wet bar in the living room. Neither of us drink so naturally we don't even own any
wine refrigerators so we weren't sure what we were going to do with that area. Probably stock it with pop or turn it into some sort of play area for the kids (pretend store front). Or just rip it out and reclaim the space. It doesn't look like we are going to have to worry about it as it doesn't look like the deal is going to get done but it was funny to wonder about.
Pills Or Repsonsibility
If you could create a completely safe
diet pill that would end obesity for good would you do it? Before you say yes too quickly, think about this for a second. If people knew that they had a get out of jail free card when it comes to fat, what would stop them from eating whatever they wanted all the time? Obesity isn't the only problem that stems from poor eating choices. Diabetes, heart disease and cancer also come to mind. So would you be dooming these people to an early death by a different cause by giving them a false sense of security? Is it better to make being healthy something that you have to work for and earn, so that people will appreciate it more? Just something to think about.
For those that don't know what my previous post was about: A couple of weeks ago I got what I thought was a very painful zit on my neck. It hurt really bad and just kept getting bigger. Finally one day when I was on the internet looking up
natural acne treatments I came across someone who had similar symptoms and had ended up having a Staph infection. That got me worried so I went to the ER that evening to get it checked out. Turns out I did indeed have a staph infection so I was glad that I got it treated.
My Neck
Well it may look a little like I just got out of
drug rehab but my neck is finally healing up. Let me just say that a Staph infection is not a fun thing to get and I hope that none of you ever have to experience it. Mine was even pretty mild compared to a lot of them thanks to the fact that I'm a hypochondriac and I went to the hospital within four days of getting it. Say what you want but I saved myself a lot of pain by acting quickly. You "tough" guys that don't want to go to the doctor can call me when you are flat on your back for weeks because you tried to tough it out.