Friday, January 04, 2008

Crazy Word

I came across a word today that I had never seen before. fibromyalgia. I had no idea what it meant and at first glance I though it might just be a jumble of random letters.

Turns out is some sort of joint pain caused by soft tissue inflammation. It just goes to show that there at ton of words that most people have no idea about.

Doctors are the worst at this. They have whole tomes of words that only they will ever remotely understand. We computer geeks have that as well but most of ours are just goofy sounding acronyms thought up by nerds on red bull.

So if you were learning another language, at what point can you say that you know it? Can I even say that I know english considering there are so many words that I don't know?

I guess if I can communicate with the average person than it counts but it is interesting to think about how few of the words I probably actually ever use.


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