Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Apple

We were talking the other day about New York for some reason, and I honestly can say that I have never had any real great desire to visit there, let alone live there (sorry movers New York). There are plenty of places I would love to see but for some reason the big NY just doesn't rank among them.

Sure it would be a serious culture shock and there are probably tons of cool things to do. I guess I'm saying that I know I could have a good time, I just would rather have it somewhere else.

Take me to Australia or Denver any day.


I'm a little bummed out today. If the tax stuff mentioned below doesn't work out then I will be out of our golf league this year. We usually pay for my league out of that money and if we don't get more back than I think we are going to then, I won't feel right about taking that much out just for golf.

I guess I will just try to look at the bright side if that happens. We have a new baby due in about a week and so having that extra day during the summer will just mean more time as a family. I'm all for that, but I will still miss getting to golf. :)

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My wife isn't that big on jewelry. I'm not either really but one that I do like that I would consider getting her is a gold anklet. I really like the way those look. Someday maybe I will look into that but for now my spending money is pretty low.

It's tax time again and if yesterday's first pass is correct then we aren't getting anywhere near what I expected to get back. I'm really just hoping I made a mistake because it's really frustrating.

I hate money stuff, it just frustrates me.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Now I'm a Senior Nerd

I hate performance reviews. I've had too many bad experiences in the past that were caused by my love of being a slacker. However I had one recently that was actually pretty good. It would seem that I may have actually learned my lesson and gotten my act together because I was promoted to Senior Software Engineer.

So now you all you lesser people must bring me presents!!! Ok just kidding, but it did feel good to accomplish that. Now to work on the next level...

Nerd Fest

I recently got back from a conference for my job. I'm a programmer so of course it was a bit of a nerd fest, however I do think that a good percentage of those people don't deserve that title. But of course I WOULD think that wouldn't I?

The funny bit was that we were at a hotel that had an indoor waterpark. I'm not sure who though that nerds in bathings suits was a good idea but it did give me a laugh. I honestly didn't see any funn sights at the pool worth noting but at least the idea was funny.

Now, lets all go get some truck accessories


I never realized that diamond rings were something that could break. My wife recently took her ring in to be checked and they found that one of the bagettes was cracked. If I understand things right, the baggettes are diamonds as well so I would think of them as being unbreakable under normal circumstances.

Perhaps it's one of those deals where a super hard substance has no tinsel strength or is brittle despite being "hard" scientifically speaking. I have no idea, I just found it to be a rather curious thing.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I'm Done

I think I'm going to quit watching team sports. Golf is just as interesting without all the emotional ups and downs. My teams were all just good enough this year to get my hopes up before falling flat. I honestly think that that's worse than having a bad team that does nothing as expected.

I feel like I have wasted valuable time watching unimportant things at this point and I didn't really get much out of it in the end. Somehow I figure that I'll probably still watch but my patience is waining. I just get so tired of losing. Golf is easier, because someone always wins, and it doesn't really matter to me who it is.

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Friday, January 04, 2008

Crazy Word

I came across a word today that I had never seen before. fibromyalgia. I had no idea what it meant and at first glance I though it might just be a jumble of random letters.

Turns out is some sort of joint pain caused by soft tissue inflammation. It just goes to show that there at ton of words that most people have no idea about.

Doctors are the worst at this. They have whole tomes of words that only they will ever remotely understand. We computer geeks have that as well but most of ours are just goofy sounding acronyms thought up by nerds on red bull.

So if you were learning another language, at what point can you say that you know it? Can I even say that I know english considering there are so many words that I don't know?

I guess if I can communicate with the average person than it counts but it is interesting to think about how few of the words I probably actually ever use.

Places You Can't Tell Your Mom That You're Going

How about "Hey Mom, I'm off to Folly Beach"!

Somehow I just don't think that that is going to work out for you. However, if you would rather just live there instead of visit, now you can. folly beach real estate is now open.

Firstly, I've got to wonder about the name. How did this happen? It's like owning a pool and naming it "The Saw Blade Shark Tank" or "The Nuclear Waste Spill", and waiting for the customers to pour in. I'm no marketing genius so don't take my word for it....

Now, on the off chance that that is the actual name of a real place and the company is therefor not responsible for the name, I still have to question why you would start a business whose purpose is to sell land at a place with "folly" in the name.

I guess I just don't understand which is why they probably make a lot more money than I do. I just think it's interesting to ponder.