Friday, November 02, 2007

Practice Safe Home Buying, use Condos

I can't look at the word "condo" or a sign like "condos for sale" anymore without laughing.

It all started one day when my mother in law (whom is extremely cool and I really like a lot) was trying to tell us that some friends of theirs had looked at a property in Florida...

To set the stage, Betty is famous for her Bettyisms. She really is the female Yogi Berra. She often says things like this that are never forgotten and my wife even started a list of them.

Betty: yep they are moving to Florida
Wiff: thats cool
Betty: I think they are going to buy one of those comdoms...
Wiff: What?!?!
Betty: You know, condoms that people live in.
Wiff: You don't by chance mean, condominiums do you?

Laughter ensues....


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