Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Check Into Why?

I've never really understood why/how these payday loan places exist. I'm guessing they pray on people who have problems financially to begin with but I don't really know for sure. I'm assuming that they charge a fee of some kind to give people their paychecks ahead of time, and the way I see it, it just puts the customer behind the 8 ball. You get your paycheck a week early, but now you have to wait an extra week to get your next check when the standard time wasn't even enough this pay period. So guess what, your back again the next time. So basically all you've accomplished is getting less money for your paycheck and skewing your pay periods slightly. Doesn't seem like much of a deal to me. Plus, if you have credit cards, why would you ever need this service? That all goes back to my theory that people who already have financial trouble go to these places (can't get a credit card). So to me it kind of seems like an ugly business if I understand it right.


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