Have you ever wondered what gift to get the Catholic in your life? I sure haven't. But I'm a guy and don't think about those things at least when it comes to gifts. I have a Catholic friend but it has never crossed my mind to buy him a religious gift. I guess
catholic gifts would be a good idea but he is already married so I doubt I will have a reason to buy him a gift at any point as thats about the only time that guys will buy gifts for each other without female intervention. I suppose it doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things. Oh well, enough rambling for today.
Cali Or Florida?
Where would you live if you had the choice? If family and friends and jobs and everything would be forced to go with you so that you could live in a better climate with no drawbacks, where would you go?
Orlando Town Homes or San Diego flat? Personally I'd go to Cali. Close to the Rockies and good skiing, and far from Hurricanes. Yes there are earthquakes but they are far less frequent. I also feel like I could like surfing, and the pacific is way better for that type of thing. Anyway, just something to think about.
Do They Still Have?
My Dad used to have a truck back in the day, that had two gas tanks. I haven't seen one of those in a while but I'm sure they must still make them. Is that what a
transfer tank is? I'm not sure. Anyway, what does that buy you other than being able to drive twice as far? Or is that the whole point in which case I'm totally fine with it. Another option would be that you could just only fill one tank at a time unless you came across a really good gas price and then you could fill up whether you needed it or not. Of course the extra weight might make the whole deal counterproductive, who knows.
You Just Never Know
In another post recently I went on a rant about Funeral Insurance and what in the world it was. I still have no idea. Now I hear about
Death insurance. What in the world? This sounds like something that only a mafia member or a hit man would be interested in.
"If you fail to knock off Lefty tomorrow, this policy will ensure that he is killed by Thursday afternoon. Please sign here..."
Or maybe if you are marrying a rich billionaire who is 95 and hoping that he will die soon so you can inherit his millions. You could buy a policy to protect you in the case that the old codger makes it to 120.
I can only assume that I will next hear about bad book insurance, so that you can get your late fee back from the library if a particularly long book turns out to be bad.
Laptop Shopping
Recently I've done a little research about laptops, trying to find an affordable one that my wife will be able to use at church. It amazes me that I can get a computer now for about $500 that would have cost $10,000 5-10 years ago. The depreciation is really mind boggling. And you thought cars were bad. Processors,
computer memory, all of that stuff has changed by gargantuan levels in such a short period of time. Will things continue to grow at this pace, or will they level off? I think it will level off at some point but it's hard to say for sure when. It's just amazing how we have developed this stuff so quickly.
I helped my Dad do his taxes this week. Thankfully it was pretty easy as I use a really cool piece of
Financial Reporting Software called Taxcut. I have been using it for a long time and it really makes taxes easy. I'm sure that someone who actually knows a lot about taxes could squeeze out a few dollars for me but for the amount of time it takes me (which is about an hour and a half) it is definitely worth it. I've heard that there are others that are good too but if you haven't tried something yet, give this a shot, and save yourself some time.
I have a huge clock "thing". I love clocks. I always stop and admire them when I pass them in the store and always have an opinion on the coolness of one clock over another. I have no idea where this came from. I love
grandfather clocks, digital clocks, and cool watches. The only thing I can figure is that I love mechanical devices and clocks are the poster child for cool mechanical devices. They are also a decoration that doubles as a piece of technology, which gives me a foot in the door when it comes to decorating which I know nothing about. Hard to say where it started, but I won't pass a cool clock and not stop to take a look.