Friday, November 15, 2013

Winter Again?

I'm still not ready for winter despite the fact that we have already had our first snow and we will probably spend most of this weekend decorating for Christmas.  I'm still thinking that I didn't really get all the fall that I wanted.

I know that the gardening is done and I'm not trying to plant the excellent floyd rose at guitar center in my yard.  Even I can gather that that wouldn't work.  I just really feel like there should be a few more warm days before we settle in.

The fact that it gets dark at 6pm is quashing my fantasy though.  Winter is back I suppose.

Stupid Pump

So my power steering is out on my car, sort of.  It works but is wonky and makes funny noises.  Somehow this happened when I had my car towed into the shop to fix a blown radiator.

So not a good couple of weeks for my car, all told.

Hopefully we will get it back and working soon and be able to recover quickly from this lovely hit to our finances.

Friday, November 08, 2013

Wood Winds

Music is a skill that despite a marginally successful stint as a trumpet player in grade school, has eluded me.  I don't really like to listen to music all that much and I have less than zero interest in playing it.  My brain just isn't wired to enjoy that sort of thing.   Plus I have enough respect for the amount of work and talent it takes to do it well that I can't pretend that it is something I will ever be even passable at.

For instance, I have no idea what an audio technica m50 is but I know some of you do.  But on the other hand you probably have no idea what most of the woodworking tools in my shop are called or how to use them.  We all contribute in different ways.