Saturday, July 20, 2013


I'm really hoping that we never need a home from  That's not an indictment on them, so don't get me wrong.  I just have no desire to move ever again.

I really hope that we can just stay here an pay off our house quickly.  We dropped down to a 15 year mortgage about a year and a half ago so I really hope that over time we will be in really good shape financially.

Money can be frustrating but I have to try to be patient and just do the best I can.


I really have been enjoying the woodworking that I have been doing lately but it can also be really frustrating.  Lately I keep getting stuck by either not having the right tool or not the right wood or both. 

I need a planer bad but I can't really afford one right now.  I'm trying to be patient and save up my money for one but I keep buying little things and messing it up.

I really hope that I can find a good deal on craigslist at some point and I just need to try really hard not to get ahead of myself.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Stairway To Heaven

Stairs are an interesting animal.  How many people consider them when buying a house?  Sure some people don't want two story houses but how many actually consider being retired at a house when they look at it?  Do you consider how easy it might be to get around it once you are old and feeble?

Most people don't which is why we have stairway lifts available.  (Think to that scene in "Up" where the old man is coming down the steps in his house and has to beat on the banged up old lift to keep it running long enough to get him to the bottom) 

Honestly, I haven't seen very many of these and the one I can think of was in a church.  When you think about it that makes sense, since they are only really useful in two story buildings because anything bigger than that would have an elevator.  Plus they can only accommodate one person at a time, which makes much more sense for an elderly person living alone.

We have stairs here but there isn't anything critical in the basement that we would need to worry about so I think we could get by with staying on the main floor if we had to.  Hopefully I will be able to stay in shape enough to not have to worry about it but that isn't always something that you can control.

Plane Old Planer

I desperately need a thickness planer in my wood shop. I've been doing all I can to work around it but it's pretty obvious that I need to get one. Problem is, they are really expensive, even when sold used. I just keep hoping for a good deal and trying to be patient. Easier said than done.