Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Mess

So President Obama drew a line in the sand with a monumental speech about Climate Change the other day.  Didn't notice?  Well, you aren't alone.  It has been largely ignored despite being one of the most monumental things to happen in a long time.   Most people for some reason still see the Climate as a fringe issue and not the global catastrophe that it truly is.  It's about as foreign to the average person as the latest bass trombone at WWBW.

Someday people will care, and wonder why we didn't do more while we had the chance.  They will point fingers and claim to have known all along.  The fat cats that made millions by destroying the planet will be long gone, and we will be left cleaning up the mess, which we may or may not have the ability to do at all.

Friday, June 07, 2013

End Grain

I was given some wood to start my wood working hobby from some friends and I'm planning to build some end grain cutting boards as some of my first projects.  My hope is that I can sell them to help pay for the new tools that I want to add to my shop.

I see on Etsy that these are going for $50 and up so I'm hoping it will be possible to make enough money to get a planer and band saw to add to my ability to do things.

After that I will just need some different blades and clamps and things but I will have the major pieces that I need.

NBA Finals

Normally, I'm about as interested in the NBA playoffs as I am in finding cigars online, which is to say, not at all.  For some reason this season though, I have been paying at least a small amount of attention to it.

I think it's because as an Ohioan I keep hoping for the Heat to lose and because Mike and Mike talk about it all morning every day.  I actually found myself tuning in and even taping games.  It's completely out of character for me.  I haven't paid this much attention since Jordan played for the Bulls.

I'm in no danger of becoming a big fan but I am enjoying this right now for some reason.


I've been trolling around the web for ideas about woodworking projects that I could take on with the tools that I currently have.  End grain cutting boards are my entry level project and I plan to move up from there.

One thing I saw that I never even considered was making a guitar body similar to gretsch acoustic guitars. That never seemed to me like something a hobbyist could tackle, but apparently there are those that are trying.

Needless to say I won't be going after that one anytime soon.

Tool Theory

I've started buying up all the tools that I need for my workshop to do woodworking.  My plan is to use a strategy that I first heard from Adam Savage in his podcast on  His advice was to buy cheap entry level tools to start with and then as time goes by it will become obvious which ones are holding you back and which ones are perfectly fine the way that they are.  This way you are only spending top dollar on the tools that you really need to spend that much on.  There is no point in shelling out big dollars for a scroll saw if you find that you almost never use it for instance.

So far so good, I still need a planer and a band saw, but after that I'm mostly down to accessories that will make life easier.