I hate moving, and frankly I have done enough of it in my time to have a valid opinion. So given that I really hope that my most current move is my last one. We planned for that in picking our current house so hopefully over time we will still be able to make it work. There are just too many hassles associated with it like boxing things up, car storage or even the stress of finding a new place to call home.The only way I can foresee moving again is if all of our kids move away from this area to settle when they grow up. In that case it would make sense for us to move to a more central location to be able to visit them (and the potential grandkids) more easily. However, since we have 3 kids it is likely that at least one will end up close to us so that will make it less likely for us to go anywhere.
Looking back I have to say that I think we chose this house wisely. We paid less than we intended to and although the house is small we double the living space when we finish the rest of the basement. Our hope is to someday have the money to extend out the kitchen and dining room to accommodate Thanksgiving dinners of the future. Despite those things, I couldn't be happier with our choice. There are a lot of things to love and I'm really glad we chose to get the house that we did.