Friday, May 18, 2012


ABDICATE: To give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
ABSENTEE: A missing golfing accessory.
ACOUSTIC: An instrument used in shooting pool.
ACCRUE: People who work on a ship.
ADAMANT: The very first Insect.
ADORABLE: What you ring when you go visiting.
ALARMS: What an octopus is.
ALIMONY: The High Cost Of Leaving.
ALIMONY: The Fee A Woman Charges For Name-Dropping.
ANTIDOTE: The reason Mom's Sister keeps hugging you every time she can catch you.
ANTELOPE: Why Grandpa won't forgive Uncle!
ANTISOCIAL: Mother's sister being friendly.
ANTE MEREDIEM: Thata's why he's my Uncle.
ARBITRATOR: A cook that leaves Arby's to work for McDonald's.
ARCHAEOLOGIST: A man whose career lies in ruins.
ARTERY: Study of paintings.
ASPIRE: Where dead donkeys are cremated.
ATLAS: Finally
AUSTRALIAN KISS: Same as French Kiss, ... only down under!
AVAIL: Piece of cloth that stops woman from looking so ugly.
AVOIDABLE: What a bullfighter tries to do.
BACTERIA: The rear entrance to a cafeteria.
BARIUM: What doctors do when treatment fails.
BIOLOGY: Study of shopping habits.
BIPLANE: The advice I got from my mother on purchasing underwear.
BOYCOTT: His crib.... not hers!
BRIDGE: A game in which a wife is always eager to do her husband's bidding
BROADBAND: An all girl musical group.
BRUISE LEE: Inept martial-arts student.
BUDGET: An attempt to live below your yearnings.
BURGLARIZE: What a crook sees with.
CAESAREAN SECTION: District in Rome.
CANTALOUPE: Got to get married in Church.
CARNATION: Country where everybody has a four wheeler.
CARAMEL: A motorized camel!
CAUTERIZE: Made eye contact with her.
CHOOSY BLONDE: One for whom a Tom or a Harry won't do !
CIRCUMVENT: The opening in the front of boxer shorts.
CISTERN: Opposite of brothern.
CLIMATE: The only thing you can do with a ladder.
COFFEE: A person who is coughed upon.
CIONSIDE: What most people do when it rains.
CONSCIENCE: The thing which hurts when everything else feels good.
CONTROL: A short, ugly inmate.
COUNTERFEITER: Worker who puts together kitchen cabinets.
CROSS-EYED TEACHER: A teacher that loses control over her pupils.
CROWBAR: Where birds can get a drink.
DAMNATION: Beaver country.
DANCE: Vertical expression of a horizontal idea.
DARE: Not here.
DEBUT: De part of the body you must park to be seated.
DECAGON: De way you explain how your vehicle was a total washout in an accident.
DECAY: De letter which comes after de J.
DECLINE: Nudists in formation.
DENTIST: A magician who puts metal into your mouth, and pulls coins out of your pocket.
DEPTH: Height turned upside down.
DILATE: To live long.
DISGUISE: Such pains. Always troubling dismisses.
DINOSAUR: How a giant lizard feels after a tough workout.
DISNEYLAND: A people trap operated by a mouse.
DOGMA: Affectionate parent of the little s.o.b.
DOGMATIC: Run by canine power.
DONKEY: Instrument to get you into the godfather's house
ECLIPSE: What an English barber does for a living.
ECONOMIST: A person who knows more about money than people who have it.
EJACULATE (e-jac-u-late): Jill greeting her boyfriend and informing him he's been tardy again.
ENEMA: Not a friend.
EYEDROPPER: A clumsy opthalmologist.
FEEDBACK: The inevitable result when your baby doesn't appreciate the strained carrots.
FIBULA: A small lie.
FICTION: The story told by a completed Income Tax Form !
FINITE: Sir Lancelot.
FLATULENCE: The emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.
FOBIA: The fear of misspelled words.
FORUM: In favor of drinking Bacardi.
GARGOYLE: An olive flavored mouthwash.
GINGER ALE: A drink that feels like your foot when it goes to sleep.
GOLD-DIGGER: A sweet young girl with the gift of the grab!
HABITUATE: Disgusting Mannerisms.... Smoking for example.
HANGING: A suspended sentence.
HATCHET: What a hen does to an egg.
HEROES: What a guy in a canoe does.
HUMBUG: A singing cockroach.
ILLEGAL: A sick bird.
IMPREGNABLE: A woman whose memory of labor is still vivid.
INFANTRY: A sapling.
INFORMATION: How ducks are supposed to fly!
INKLING: A baby fountain pen!
INTENSE: Where campers sleep.
JOKEY: What a dentist uses when you won't open your mouth.
KIDNEY: Midpoint of a child's leg.
LEFT BANK: What the robber did when his bag was full of loot.
LOCOMOTIVE: A crazy reason.
LYMPH: To walk with a lisp.
MISTY: How golfers create divots.
MORBID: Higher offer
MUCUS: A cat swear word.
MUNCHKIN: What cannibals do to relatives.
NITRATE: Cheaper than day rate.
NODE: Was aware of.
OUTPATIENT: Person who has fainted after seeing a Doctor's bill.
OYSTER: A person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddish expressions.
PARADOX: Two physicians.
PARASITES: What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower.
PARKING LOT: A place where arguments start from scratch.
PECAN: A container to urinate in.
PHARMACIST: A helper on the farm.
POLARIZE: What penguins see with.
POLYGON: Who left the cage door open?
POST OPERATIVE: Letter carrier.
POTASH: All that's left after you smoke the joint.
PRIMATE: Removing your spouse from in front of the TV.
PROTEIN: Favoring young people.
PSYCHO-CERAMICS: The study of crackpots.
RAMPAGE: Section of a book about male sheep.
RATIFY: To use a spell and turn a person into a rodent.
REALM: To be charitable ... once again!
REBEL: What you have to do when kids don't come to class when first called.
RECOUNT: Honorary Title reaffirmed by Floridans.
RECOVERY ROOM: Place to do upholstery.
RECTANGLE: What the fisherman was left with after his brush with Moby Dick.
RECTITUDE: The formal, dignified demeanor assumed by a proctologist immediately before he examines you.
RECTUM: It almost killed him.
REDUCE: A messed up point in Tennis, when you were on 'Advantage'.
REGATTA: Where the drunkard found himself tonight ... again!
RELIEF: What trees do in the spring.
RENDER: The Animals that draw Santa's carriage.
ROMAN: What you need to do to win the Regatta.
RUBBERNECK: What tou can do to relax your wife.
SAUNA BATH: A slimming pool.
SEAMSTRESS: Describes 250 pounds in a size 6.
SELFISH: What the owner of a seafood store does.
SUBDUED: A guy that works on submarines.
TERMINAL ILLNESS: Sickness at an airport.
TESTICLE: A humorous question on an exam.
TREASON: What the acorn is to the oak.
TUMOR: An extra pair.
URINE: Opposite of "you're out"!
VARICOSE: Located nearby.
WHOLESOME: The only thing from which you can take the whole and still have some left.
WISE-CRACK: A comedian with a PHD.
YANKEE: The same as a quickie, ...but you can do it by yourself!
ZEBRA: Ze cloth which covers ze breasts!

Sythetic T

I heard today about a testosterone synthetic.  I wonder what this is used for?  Why do you need to synthesize testosterone?  Can't you just inject the real thing or is that not practical to obtain?

I would also think that there would be a way to just tell the body to make more than it already does, but I don't know that for sure.  Not that I know of any side effects of syntheroid but I'm just thinking out loud.

Have you ever been treated for low T? If so how did it go?  Were the results positive.  I have not been diagnosed with anything like that but I was just curious about it since it has been in the news lately.


I think that I still have a lot to learn about testosterone.  It still amazes me how some guys have so much more of it than others.  Sometimes that's a really good thing, and other times it's not.

It can make you strong and attractive, or make you violent and bullheaded.  It seems that a perfect balance must be struck, but where is the line?

Does it only really matter in the formative years when you are growing up or do higher levels as an adult make a difference?  In what ways?

Clearly there is a lot I don't know, and the answers may already be out there, but I'm not sure how to sort the right ones from the wrong ones.

Budget Hammer

If you get the chance, check out the budget app I just created and launched.  You can check out my other blog for a tutorial.  Let me know what you think and if you have a problem or think of a feature that would be helpful.

Color Splash

My wife has informed me that we will be repainting our bedroom over Memorial Day weekend.  I really hate painting but just doing one room isn't too bad.  I actually like the idea she has for the change up.  For the longest time we have had a dark green paint on the walls, and she want's to brighten it up.

We're going with a turquoise color on the walls as well as new black and white bedding.  We are not getting a new bedroom vanity set however, as we want to keep this to a minimum cost-wise. 

From the example pictures she showed me I agree that it will look pretty good and I'm excited about the change, if not the work.

Skin Care

I'm a little concerned about my skin in the upcoming weeks.  We are heading to Myrtle Beach in about 3 weeks and I don't really have an ocean tanning solution.  I have always tanned easy but I'm a bit worried about it after all the news about how dangerous it can be for your skin.

I think my plan will be to use sunscreen at all times.  I don't typically go without a shirt so if I don't use some sort of protection I will probably get fried, and not only is that no fun, it's really not good for you.

I think it will be a big challenge to avoid all that given how much time we will be spending outside but I will do my best.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Mike Holmgren was on Mike and Mike this morning and I frankly didn't learn much that I didn't already know.  I still think that they got taken on that trade in the first round despite his explanations of why it needed to be done.

For some reason the Browns always overpay for picks.

He also talked about how he won't declare Weeden the starter because it puts too much pressure on him.  Whether he says it or not, Weeden knows he has to be the guy right now, so the pressure exists.


Buying clothes can really put a dent in your budget, but we all have to have them so finding ways to save is a must.  There are many options for buying cheaper clothes and not all of them are appealing but you can make your money stretch if you do you research.

Buying wholesale clothes or buying on Ebay can save you a lot.  And don't rule out the local thrift shops.  I've gotten a lot of great deals on clothes there that were new or very close to it. 

Take your time and don't just buy the latest trends because you won't save much money that way.  You can go through a lot of money very quickly doing things that way. 

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

I just love this

Insurance For Anything

It seems that you can buy insurance for just about anything.  I have heard of football players insuring themselves against injury and even errors and omissions insurance for documents.  ( I couldn't afford the premiums I'd have to pay for this blog).

Insurance is a weird thing in that you are paying for something you hope to never use.  Really, does that make sense.  Spending money on something you truly never want to make use of.  Strange but it really is important in a lot of cases.  Just strange when you think about it in those terms.