Friday, February 24, 2012

Tough Gifts

It's always tough to buy gifts for your groomsmen. Mainly because in order to get them anything worth getting you run the risk of nailing it for some, and completely missing for others.

For example, one wedding I was in we were given engraved pewter beer steins as a gift. They were really nice and thoughtful except that I don't drink and I felt a little weird about displaying a stein.

The other extreme is to get something so petty that you might as well not have bothered. This isn't going to cut it either. So what's the answer? My suggestion is to abandon the idea that you need to get each guy the same thing and buy personalized gifts for each one. That way everyone is happy.

My New Blog

I finally got my own domain and started a new blog. It's called Arctic Doom, mostly just because I think that that sounds cool, but I'll be blogging on a variety of topics including God, personal finance, and science.

Check it out if you get the chance. FYI I will still be posting here as well.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I have a lot of tools, but I still find that there are times that I don't have what I need, and since we are working on getting out of debt the usual plan of buying what you need when you need it to increase your tool collection doesn't really work for us.

So when I needed a piece of steel welded the other day I was out of luck. No welder, or welding helmet to be found in my shop. Fortunately I have a friend who took care of it for me but I usually feel a nice pride boost when we need something like that done and I have the ability to just get it done without any issue.



Tax Return

I found out today that our tax return is scheduled to be in the bank on Monday. Lord willing this means that I should be able to pay off my car loan next week, and with the babysitting money we have coming in probably the credit card too.

Then we will be down to our final two debts, both school loans, before we can say that we are debt free!!! I'm really excited about getting to that point and I can't wait to be totally done with all debt payments for good.