Friday, July 15, 2011


Ever since I got rid of my data plan and stopped using my smart phone, I have missed having GPS. It was amazing to me how often I used it. Not that I have had a lot of problems finding places but I really liked having that available. I'd really love to get one for our car at some point but I just haven't wanted it enough to spend the money as of yet.

I also know very little about the individual brands like tom tom, or garmin quest gps. I have no idea what would be the right model for me and I haven't taken the time to do the research as of yet. Probably won't happen until I get a really good deal on a used one at some point because I just can't see spending the money on a convenience at this point.

Debt Limit

Is it any wonder that America is in the predicament that we are in? Consumer debt is considered normal and a very large segment of people owe far more than they can afford to pay off quickly. Why would we expect our government to be any better?

$14.3 trillion in debt and we need more?!! Is anyone else scared by this? Cut some spending, raise taxes and get that moving in the right direction. Once we have it paid off, then lets see what public works we can AFFORD to do.

It won't be fun, but it's necessary if we want to be fiscally responsible.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Bummed Out

I have no idea where it went but my drive to get my workouts in and eat healthy more often than not has left me. I've gained weight back up to about 200 pounds and have not been able to keep my workouts going consistently for some time now.

I'm not on the lookout for diet pills that work however. That's not my style. I've started slow, trying to cut the junk out of my diet again and get back to eating right. Next I need to find a workout plan I can stick to an enjoy. Hopefully it won't be long until I'm back on the horse for good.

Friday, July 08, 2011

Heavy Metal

I don't own any gold, which at the moment is a bad thing since the prices are so high. Assuming that I did and I paid bottom dollar for it, now would be the perfect time to get cash for gold.

Of course, hindsight investing is a very difficult thing to do in our current state of technology given that we can't go back in time.

We did send some old jewelry in at one point and got about $100 for it which was nice. I even dug around for some more when the prices skyrocketed but I couldn't find anything. If you do, I would sell it now, as prices are really high. Or at least they were the last time I checked.