Friday, May 20, 2011


According to some, doomsday is tomorrow May 21st. So if your rv insurance payment is due on the 22nd, then you might as well spend it. ;)

This kind of thing really bothers me. It makes Christians look at the very least like simpletons and at worst like total morons. How are we supposed to witness to people and share Jesus with them if they think we are stupid?

The refusal of a lot of Christians to believe in solid scientific truth is another culprit. It makes it seem to others that we are stuck in a fantasy world. Those who think that the Earth is only 6000 years old or that Evolution is some big conspiracy to discredit the Bible. Until we can speak intelligently with others and show that we too understand science AND see a higher meaning, we won't be taken seriously.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Two Needed

I really need another laptop. Problem is that I don't want to part with the money it will take to acquire one. I'm still trying to live like no one else so I can live like no one else.

It's just very inconvenient when both my wife and I need to use the computer at the same time. I spent some time looking online and about the best deal I could get would still cost about $440.

Now, I know about as much about toshiba laptops batteries as the next guy (lol) but I still want something that is going to be the best value for the money. As of now, I'll be sharing for a while longer.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Why is Libya affecting Oil?

I read somewhere that there is no reason that the unrest in Libya should be affecting oil prices. Libya only exports about 2% of the world's crude first of all. And the real beauty of the situation is that almost all of that goes to Europe.

So why are we paying $4.18 a gallon? Because commodities traders use this as an excuse to drive up prices. I agree with the author that these folks who are buying oil in principle and then selling it for a profit should be required to take delivery of the crude before they could sell it. That would cut down significantly on the number of people jacking around the price and keep it more stable.

Makes some sense to me.

Gas Gouge

I really can't believe what we are paying for gas right now. It took over $70 to fill up our van the other day and that is nearly double what I was used to from years past. I can still remember when I though $1.41 was waaay too much to pay for ultra premium when I was in college in the late 90's.

I imagine the payday advances these days are going up in response to this rise in prices, along with everything else. Food and services will begin to rise as well. I'm not sure our fragile economy can take the stress without dipping into another recession.

I guess we'll have to wait and see.