Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Winter Wear

I'm guessing that if I told you that we need girls shorts in the winter. We have very specific needs for that sort of thing at our house. One kid is so cold that she needs shorts under her dresses to help keep her warm.

Not being of the dress wearing gender that particular need never really occurred to me. You just never know what you are going to need. I am a bit of a pack rat and sometimes that comes in handy. I'm not one of those hoarder folks but I do tend to see a use in items that others might throw away.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Well I've been putting it off for a long time but I need to replace the faucet in our kitchen. It has been slowly leaking for a while and is going to be a major problem if I don't get on the ball at some point soon.

So at some point I will be at Lowe's checking out the whirlpool faucets. Not really sure what I'm going to spend but I hope to replace it with something on the nicer side. Given that I may try to milk it a while longer until we can truly afford it.

Fake, but who cares?

I don't know about you but I can't tell the difference between real diamond rings and cubic zirconia rings. So if they look the same to 95% of the people then why pay 500000% more money to impress 5% of the people?

Call me a pragmatist but I just don't see the point. Sure I bought my wife a real engagement ring like everyone else but I haven't bought a diamond since. They are insanely expensive and thoroughly useless.

I can get her nice looking jewelry for much cheaper.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Things I just don't get

I just don't get karaoke. I don't understand why people would want to go see people who don't know how to sing, wreck song after song on a stage. If you want to hear singing, go to a concert and listen to a pro. If you are a good singer, then get an agent and get paid for it.

I just don't understand the draw. Clearly, I am not a singer. I don't even like to hear me sing. So maybe if I was better at it I would get it. So what other things that are very popular don't make sense to you? I imagine that there are things I probably do that make no sense to others.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Late Night

I'm excited because tonight, my sister is coming to visit. I haven't seen her in a year and it will be really great to get to spend some time with her. I will have some dark circles around eyes however since I have to go to the airport to get her at around midnight.

The kiddos are all very excited to see her as well, and I can't wait for her to see how big they have all gotten. We may even go see the new Harry Potter movie while she is here. I missed the last couple because they weren't as good as the books in my opinion, but it still sounds like fun to get out.

Alternative Fuels

I was thinking the other day about alternative fuels. It seems right to me that the only truly renewable resource is none other than the big yellow ball in the sky we call the Sun. Learning to harness the bajillions of gigawatts that reach the Earth's surface everyday in an efficient manner seems like the only viable option long term. Pretty much everything else either uses more energy to create than it produces or is finite. We can continue to experiment with switch grass, hydrogen, and tea tree oil uses till we're blue in the face but I think it's a waste of time.