Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Worth a Billion Words?

Recently we bought a digital frame for my mother in law. I have always thought that those things are pretty cool but too expensive to invest in just for the fun of it. I'd love to have one on my desk at work if the prices ever come down to more reasonable levels.

In the age of digital photos it just makes sense. Sure the novelty wears off after a while I'm sure but being able to put a 16 gig memory stick full of photos and watch them scroll through over time would be pretty cool. Maybe I should add that to my Christmas list.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


It amazes me sometimes what can be done with makeup. Between color and wrinkle fillers and all the rest. Being a guy I don't really understand it but I have to admit that it is an art form. They don't call them makeup artists for nothing.

I've seen fast action video of people going from everyday normal to magazine cover in no time flat. It's really a cool skill. I'm not much of an artist although creativity is part of my job. I know just enough to appreciate a true master when I see one and some of these people are really good.

Ab Utero

You can't go five minutes on the web these days without seeing an ad telling you how to reduce belly fat. I've come to the conclusion that anyone can be thin and in great shape but not everyone can have a washboard stomach. If your genetics won't allow it then it doesn't matter how hard you work. Those that have achieved it feel like they got there by working hard, because they did, but someone with subpar genes could do the same work and not arrive and be looked down upon. I hope I'm wrong and I'm probably just grumpy because my workouts over the past year haven't really gone to plan. I guess part of life is continually getting back on the horse even when you don't really want to. That's where I'm at now.

Too Much Tech?

I was just reading about something called an rfid blocking wallet and it got me thinking. I wonder if there is so much technology out there at this point that there is no way to really protect yourself fully. For one thing, there are so many specialized fields that no one person can know it all.

How do you know how to fully protect your house from heat loss as well as which foods can cause disease over time as well as what you are genetically predisposed for as well as how someone might go about stealing your credit card info. There is just too much to keep track of. It's no wonder that people make a lot of money selling security these days.

I love learning and I love learning new tips and tricks but there is just no way to know it all.

Friday, July 09, 2010

Home Improvement

I love watching home improvement shows. I guess because I like to work on and fix things and I'm always up for learning how to do something new. I've done a few projects around the house and if it wasn't for cost restraints, would probably do more. Sometimes I have to stick to a pretty tight budget for this stuff so I can't always get top of the line. For instance, a Hansgrohe faucet is really nice but I would probably have to go with a cheaper model. Just have to keep things realistic with your budget.

Cleveland Crocks

I'm not much of an NBA fan but I do feel bad for Cleveland. I'm mostly a Brown's fan but I do root for the other sports in the city when they are doing well. I'm guessing that there are some pretty bummed out people up there today.

It may take a truck load of prototype 37c to iron things out up there. A lot of local businesses are going to lose a ton of money and the Cavs are going to be unwatchable for quite a while after this.

Hopefully eventually one of the sports up there will turn it around.

Need A Goal

I haven't been working out like I should of late. I think that my main problem is that I don't have a goal right now. I spent most of the winter trying to put on some size, and more or less failed miserably. I got stronger but didn't look that much different. I know how to lose weight fast but that isn't my problem. I want to have more muscle, or do I? I have no idea and until I figure out some sort of goal I'm going to continue to fail.

Facebook = funny

One of my favorite past times is posting funny facebook statuses. Some are funnier than others. One of my failed ones was about me thinking that even the best deep wrinkle cream couldn't work otherwise women wouldn't have fingerprints. Not much of a reaction.

One of my better ones was the line that you should practice safe eating by using a condiment. Humor is always hit or miss but it's fun and satisfying to give people a good laugh.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Obama Care?

I realize that the first stage of the big medical assistance program proposed by President Obama has passed but I also don't really see much in the way of big change happening. Sure I realize that most of it doesn't kick in for years but you'd think that we'd at least be hearing about the big preparations that are being made. No, we're mostly hearing about oil. Isn't it amazing that what everyone thought would be the defining topic of Obama's presidency has been pushed not to the back burner. Forget it, that thing is in the microwave. Just goes to show that circumstances make the presidency in a lot of cases.