Fish Eye
Adam Savage, from Mythbusters, was going on and on the other day about a new fish eye lense that is available. Apparently it's huge. Nearly the size of one of those
convex mirrors they hang in the corners of grocery stores to lessen the chance of a head on cart collision.
Apparently it is so powerful that it can see an amazing 220 degree spectrum. That means that it can actually see behind itself somewhat.
As cool as all this sounds, I can honestly say that I have no idea what you would use this thing for? Night sky? Landscapes? Spying on neighbors? No idea, but it sounds cool.
Top Kill!
Sounds like the title of a James Bond movie, and frankly maybe it will be given that the British are involved. James Bond battles the latest super villains and makes "crude" jokes whenever possible.
They probably won't be the type that glue themselves to your brain like
auto insurance quotes from commercials, but my guess is that they will be funny anyway.
It just goes to show that sometimes in real life the hero doesn't stop the disaster from happening. I'm not suggesting that foul play was involved only that bad things do happen sometimes. That's why I could have never been a doctor. I don't want a bad day at work for me to cost someone the use of the hand, or worse.
Wow that was an impressive ramble. I went from oil spills to malpractice in like five sentences.
Apparently BP doesn't stand for Big Plug, or we wouldn't still be having this oil crisis. This has gone from a tragic explosion to an environmental crisis. Most disasters don't move this slowly so I think that people are somewhat numb to how enormous this mess truly is. It isn't yet Exxon-Valdez, but it could get that far if things don't change.
They've tried bells, plugs, drills, and who knows what else to fix it. Maybe throw a few
prenatal vitamins down there and see what happens. I'm not exactly sure why they haven't yet used a detonation to seal the leak. There is evidence of this working in the past, namely by the Russians, but that involved nukes which is obviously a word no president wants to use. I imagine though that a MOAB or some other such devise could be enlisted to do the job as well. My guess is that there is some reason why they think that this won't work but I have to hope that they get it figured out soon.
Maybe this will be our national wake up call about fossil fuels? I sure hope so.
I really hate
eczema. It's a very annoying thing to have. Every summer it makes my hands look like I just came out of a biblical leper camp. Thankfully, it's not as bad now as it used to be. I used to get red blotches all over me at times that I couldn't get rid of. Thankfully it's not that bad anymore but it's still annoying. No amount of lotion seems to be able to tame it although it does help to keep it from drying out and cracking too much.
It would be nice if there was some easy way to rid myself of this stuff, but until that avenue becomes obvious, I'll try not to complain too much.
Korea Part Deux
It seems that we need to study our history more, because unless things suddenly loosen up out east, we may be headed for another Korea conflict. North Korea, for some inexplicable reason, sank a South Korean military ship and is now trying to bluff and bluster their way to...well, who knows what they think they can achieve besides a huge loss of life and more sanctions. I can't imagine that their motivations are anything more than ego based. Probably some rogue captain got a burr in his saddle and put them in this position, but far from singling him out and handing him to the world on a silver platter to placate the masses, they have chosen to waste many more lives by acting innocent. Maybe if someone inside their inner circle did some
alli reviews, they would realize that they have none and call off the dogs. We all can hope I guess.
Lost = Over
So far I've heard from people on both sides of the argument. Some thought the finale was great others, like myself, thought it was about as exciting as shopping for
disability insurance.
I have just come to expect more from this show. It's ability to shock and surprise me over the years has come to be somewhat of a prerequisite to my enjoyment of the show. I wasn't really shocked or surprised by the finale. It seemed like they took the easy way out and that is just now what I am used to getting.
Still I do think that it was one of the better TV experiences to come along in a long while. If nothing else, season one is still one of the best efforts on the small screen to date.
New Bed
I need a new mattress really bad. Ours is so old that I feel like I just finished a marathon every morning. I'm so stiff and sore. I don't have trouble sleeping, but the sleep I do get doesn't really do the trick. I'm not into
sleep pills, so my solution will have to be patience until we can buy a new mattress.
Hopefully sometime this year we will be able to afford to do it after our basement stuff is done. It sure would make me rest easier at night.
Failed Tests
Another NFL player this week failed a drug test. Supposedly it wasn't steroids but if it was one of the masking agents that they test for then it is more than likely still a steroid issue. I know, there are plenty of things that can cause a failed test that seem legitimate to us, like cold medicine or
diet pills that work to do nothing more than decrease their paychecks.
You have to believe that if you are in that situation that you would be paranoid about using anything that wasn't approved by the team doctor. I know I would be.
I really hope that as our kids grow up that I will be able to provide for them the best possible childhood experience. Great Christmases, a loving environment, and great family unity are among the things that I hope to instill. Obviously, keeping them in church and on the right path takes the highest precedent but I also hope to provide things like great vacations, fun outings,
acne treatments if they need it etc. Those things aren't as big of a deal but it all goes into the pot and hopefully what rises is a great experience.
I'm not much of an NBA fan but I do have a passing interest in the Cavs. I want to see Cleveland teams do well and I will watch/root should they get into the finals. As it is, that doesn't look as likely as it once did given that they are down 3-2 to Boston.
From what I hear they played game 5 like they had been up late doing
bpi training instead of getting ready for the game. I have to believe that Lebron's injury is worse than he has let on. I just feel like he would have taken that game over if he had been 100%.
I really hope that our kids do not get acne as bad as I had it when I was younger. My says that she had it too so they may be doomed. If they do get it, then I will definitely be looking for the
best acne treatment I can find because that is such a social killer when you are that age.
I think that medicine has improved enough that I can help my kids to keep that under control. I hope so at least. I hated it when I was a kid and I don't want my kids to have to deal with it if they don't have to. Surely there is something to make that stuff go away.
I am very busy. I have so much going on that I can't keep up anymore. I'm tired and I don't feel good and I don't really want to be bothered by much. Meeting with a life insurance adviser? No thanks. Maybe an
instant life insurance quote? Much better.
I need to start going to bed at about 9pm and sleeping on a better bed. I haven't worked out for a couple weeks because I just don't feel good, and I really just want to get back to feeling good again.
This is definitely not fun.