Getting Closer
We are a little over half way in our pregnancy now and so it will be time soon to start thinking about getting a new car seat. The girls used the same one but it's now pretty old and beat up so we will need to buy a new one. I plan to do some
market research and find out which ones are the best because I'm kind of crazy about car seat safety. Also if you are reading this in the hopes that I would spill the beans about the gender, you are going to be disappointed. I applaud your efforts in looking here though as this would have been where I would have looked if was trying to figure it out. The little remembered second blog would have been a perfect place for me to write about it, but alas, I did not. :) Leave me a comment if you came here for that reason because I'm curious.
On Tour
So are any of you going to go check out the new
Van Halen tour? Me neither. I've never been a big concert guy, especially not, reunion tours and oldies but goodies tours. I just don't really get a charge out of music for the sake of music. Music is great when it adds to the atmosphere but it just doesn't work when the music is the whole show. At least not in my book. Obviously I'm in the minority there but that doesn't mean I'm going to go to tons of concerts either.
Movin' Time
They have told us that they are going to move our offices again. Last time we switched buildings but this time it will only be a switch of floors. Last time our
office desks changed drastically but who knows what to expect this time around. They might just move our current stuff up although I think the more likely scenario is that they will build a duplicate before moving us up. Who knows, all that I know is that I will now have to walk a lot farther to get my tea in the morning. Ok not a lot farther but I have to find something to complain about right? Right? Ok so maybe I don't. :)
I really enjoy woodworking even though I don't get to do it very often. I made the baby crib that we have used for all of kids and it was a pretty cool accomplishment. I really like the Rockler magazine as well as you can buy cool tools,
cabinet hardware and other things that will help you. If I had a ton of free space and money I would love to buy a bunch of woodworking tools and have a shop where I could work on stuff like that. It isn't terribly easy but I do think that it would be fun. Who knows, maybe someday.
I love wood stoves. I grew up with one and I really enjoyed it. The kind of warmth that they provide as well as the smell still make me feel better any time I'm around one. They are more rare now but a lot of people still have fireplaces which are nice as well. They even have
fire glass which allows you to see the fire while keeping everything in it's place. I've never used that myself but it seems like a decent idea. I'm hoping that if we can ever get our house sold that we will be able to find one with a fireplace. That would be pretty cool.
When I was growing up, we never got the mail delivered to our house, and this seemed completely normal to me. We had a post office box that we always had to go and check. I always thought that that must have been a requirement of the town for some reason but now when I go back, I see
Mailboxes everywhere including the house I grew up in. So either it was a rule that has changed or I just simply didn't notice that others did get their mail delivered to their homes, although I don't remember EVER seeing a mailman or their car. I guess it's hard to know, I suppose I could just ask my parents but that seems like a lot of work.
Rocky Top
I don't know much about
Tennessee football. Like, what in the world is this rocky top business all about? And how in the world does Peyton Manning not win the Heisman? I'm guessing the committee is still kicking themselves for that one. Then there is the orange. Why was orange selected? It would be interesting to know, but I would probably fall asleep if you started to explain it to me. In any case I'm looking forward to seeing more games tomorrow.
Once upon a time there was a golfer who needed some pants. For some odd reason he had forgotten them that day and so decided to search about until he found some. He saw plenty but they all ended up being occupied by grouchy people who didn't seem to be interested in helping him out. In the end he found his way to the shop and had a long talk with the
golf apparel ladies who suggested that maybe he should try a golf course if he was interested in golf pants. It turns out that bowling alleys don't carry them.