I see that Tiger is working on a new house down in Florida. He has always been a penny pincher but he seems to have let loose his wallet this time around as the place is said to by ginormous. I guess getting married and having a baby can change your outlook on things. He definitely needed an upgrade from an
Orlando vacation home to a nice 5 story with 90,000 square feet for the baby to explore. I can't imagine having less and trying to raise a child. Of course I'm being unfair. I might do the same in his shoes and I have no idea if his house is really that big or not. In reality I'm a big Tiger fan and I hope his house is truly awesome. All I ask is to be invited over for a barbeque sometime. :)
student loan consolidation is very helpful if you have more than one student loan. If you get a good interest rate you can lower your overall monthly bill a lot and only have to worry about making one payment every month. Don't underestimate the nicety of lowering your bill work time. Nobody likes working on bills. So if you were like me and didn't get a scholarship to college then consider this, although I would not suggest it combining your loans with your spouse's because in the event that one of you died the loan would be forgiven if you didn't combine them. Just a tidbit of knowledge if you didn't already know that.
The Vacation Exchange
People trade stock in everything else so why not vacations? You could buy a vacation and rent it out or just buy stock in hourly increments. I can see it now "The DisneyDaq reports the
Florida rental vacation are up 3% this morning from yesterday's close. Rain is expected today which should force prices back down again." This would give people the chance to by their vacations at cruddy resorts in hopes that it would become the hot spot a few years down the road. Who knew that anyone would ever want to go to Denver for instance. As it is, I wouldn't mind a few snowboarding shares to save for a snowy day.